Clean Power Plan replacement, the so-called Affordable Clean Energy (ACE) rule, was announced today.  A rule repealing the Clean Power Plan is expected this fall.

Here’s a link to the IPL statement and the new rule:
https://www. 2018/08/13150/

For more details: news/articles/2018-08-18/ trump-s-power-plant-proposal- could-fuel-more-carbon- emissions

From the NRDC:
Analytical analysis of the EPA plan’s many flaws: experts/lissa-lynch/trumps- clean-power-plan-replacement- worse-nothing  
And we’ve fact-checked EPA’s own talking points: experts/lissa-lynch/ separating-fact-fiction-epas- cpp-talking-points

Clean Cars
Originally there were 3 public hearings (Los Angeles, Detroit, DC), but now it appears they are changing it to 2 hearings (Pittsburg and Fresno). The official announcement should come any day. No meeting dates are set yet, but they need to take place at least 2 weeks after the rule is published in the Federal Register (which should also happen soon). Comment period will be 60 days.

The EPA is now planning to put forward two proposals to roll back the methane New Source Performance Standards (NSPS) rule. The first is targeting leak detection and repair (LDAR) and low producing wells, and it could come out any day now. The second proposal would effectively scrap the methane rule altogether, and it could come out later this summer. We will keep you informed as we hear more about both comment periods and possible hearings.