
Here are a number of great resources for Pope Francis’ Encyclical

To access the Encyclical click the link: http://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/encyclicals/documents/papa-francesco_20150524_enciclica-laudato-si.html

We address you as diverse New Mexico faith leaders who stand with Pope Francis.

We are answering the call of Pope Francis to care and act for the common good of all creation and the future generations.

The call was issued even before Laudato Si, the encyclical that has now lit up the world stage.  It is a single sentence in the April 28, 2015 Declaration of the Religious Leaders, Political Leaders led by UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon, Business Leaders, Scientists and Development Practitioners called to the Vatican in anticipation of the December climate negotiations in Paris.  Facing the essential economic and cultural revolution that climate change requires, the Declaration says: “In this core moral space, the world’s religions play a very vital role.”

Download the entire letter here:

letter for NM faith leaders to sign

Pope Francis’ encyclical Laudato Si’: On Care for Our Common Home

This discussion guide, for use with Pope Francis’ encyclical Laudato Si’, can help small groups explore and dialogue with this important document.  The guide includes materials for prayer, reflection and discussion, as well as ideas to help Catholics respond to Pope Francis’ message. The discussion section of the guide includes quotes and discussion questions on a variety of themes highlighted in Laudato Si’.  The facilitator should decide in advance which topics will be covered during this session. Given the number of rich themes on which Pope Francis focuses in Laudato Si’, you may wish to spread the topics among several sessions.

Download the guide here: laudato-si-discussion-guide

Caring for God’s Creation Resources for Liturgy, Preaching, and Taking Action

As Catholics, we have a rich heritage of faith, tradition, and social teaching to draw upon as we seek to live the Gospel faithfully in our own time and situation.  As a community of faith, we seek to protect the dignity of every person and promote the common good of the human family, particularly the most vulnerable among us.  The Church champions the rights of the unborn, seeks to bring dignity to the poor, works to overcome the scourge of racism, and welcomes the stranger among us.

Download the guide here: ecology-resource-all

Catholic Climate Covenant

This document highlights elements of Laudato Si, or Praised Be, Pope Francis’s encyclical letter on ecology. Following are excerpts from the encyclical, arranged by topic.  Citations are included for your reference.

Download the guide here: Catholic+Climate+Covenant+encyclical+excerpts (1)

Earth Matters / Sister Joan Brown

Sister Joan Brown on Pope Francis’ Encyclical – On Care for our Common Home

Earth Matters co-producer and Gila Resources Information Project Executive Director Allyson Siwik talks to Sister Joan Brown Executive Director of New Mexico Interfaith Power and Light about Pope Francis’ Encyclical – On Care for our Common Home – an appeal for global unity to confront environmental degradation and climate change.  Advocates are hopeful that the Pope’s encyclical will provide a moral and ethical dimension to efforts to combat climate change in the upcoming Paris climate negotiations in December 2015.

To listen to the Podcast click the link: http://gmcr.org/earth-matters-sister-joan-brown

The Pope’s Challenge on Climate Change

Thousands of people from all over the world marched in Rome this week to lend support to the pope’s message on climate change. On June 18, Pope Francis released his encyclical entitled “Laudato Si’,” which means “Praise be to you.” The title comes from a canticle written by Saint Francis of Assisi, whose life demonstrated “how inseparable the bond is between concern for nature, justice for the poor, commitment to society, and interior peace,” wrote the pope.

For the entire article by Renee Cho click the link: The Pope’s Challenge on Climate Change

On climate change, Hispanic Catholics hear pope’s message – and it’s personal

Long before Pope Francis called for the faithful to work toward environmental justice, water and drought were natural concerns for many in the western US and willing disciples may galvanize like never before.

For the entire article click the link: On climate change, Hispanic Catholics hear pope’s message – and it’s personal

Interfaith Leaders in New Mexico Support Pope Francis’ Encyclical on Climate Change

A letter supporting the Papal Encyclical, Laudato Si, that is signed by some 100 New Mexican Interfaith Religious Leaders, was released Tuesday, July 28, 2015 by New Mexico Interfaith Power and Light and the New Mexico Conference of Churches.

For the entire article click the link: Interfaith Leaders in New Mexico Support Pope Francis’ Encyclical on Climate Change


Interfaith Power & Light and the Catholic Climate Covenant have teamed up to bring you this Faith Climate Action Kit so your faith community can respond to Pope Francis’ encyclical on ecology, with its strong environmental justice and climate theme.


World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation

Pope Francis is inviting all Catholics to participate in an annual World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation, beginning Sept. 1, 2015. The day offers individuals and communities “a precious opportunity to renew our personal participation in this vocation as custodians of creation.” A Prayer to Care for Our Common Home (also en Español) is available for use on the Day, as well as Caring for God’s Creation: Resources for Liturgy, Preaching, and Taking Action (also en Español ). A beautiful prayer is also included at the end of Pope Francis’ encyclical, Laudato Si’.

A Readers’ Guide to Laudato Si`

Click on the link to download the guide

NCR Readers guide

 4 Challenges from Laudato Si`

Click on the link to download the guide

Praise Be – Archdiocese Washington

Cardinal Tagle’s message to the Caritas confederation on Laudato Si’

By Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle|10 July 2015

Dear Caritas friends,

In some parts of the world babies are born, children grow up and adults face the end of their lives living and working in the poisonous waste created and discarded by others. In other parts people live on a tightrope between floods and droughts and grave injustices. In these places, life is slowly strangled from the very beginning. This is not God’s design for humanity and the Earth.

Life is moving so fast that many people are disorientated. The faster life goes, the more we consume, the more we waste and the further away from God and the poor we move. With this over-consumption comes a heaviness – not just physical but also spiritual. We gather so many things into our heads and lives that one more thought or fact or responsibility overwhelms us into lethargy.

In June, Pope Francis called each of us to undertake a mission to save the planet, our relationship with God and our human family. He gave us a reminder to “take the trash out of our lives” and clean it up out of everyone else’s so we can live as one human family in dignity and in unity.

Ten Quick Takeaways from Laudato Si’

Anthony Annett                                  June 18, 2015

Click the link to download the article

Praise Be – Commonweal

The Sunday Visitor

Click the link to download the article

Prase Be – Sunday Visitor

The Church and the World: A Prehistory of ‘Laudato Si”

Nathan Schneider | Jul 14 2015 | America Magazine

Click the link to download the article

Prehistory of Laudato Si

Here are some great resources on the Pope’s Encyclical

Romm – James Hansen Spells Out Danger

Romm – Clean Power Plan Do the math plus table

26 Key Quotes – ChurchPop (1)

Do the math plus table

Laudato Si and the Sages: Reflections on Climate Justice

Dear Colleagues and Friends,

Shanah Tovah! As you prepare to welcome 5776, I invite you to connect with one of the most notable faith events of the year – Pope Francis’s visit to the United States just after Yom Kippur, during which he will speak about his encyclical on climate change and justice, Laudato Si: On Care for our Common Home. At this time of year, as we reflect on how we have treated our fellow human beings and how we might better live up to God’s expectations of us, we have a special opportunity to examine our relationship with all of God’s creation – and the Pope’s encyclical provides us with an excellent way to do just that.

For the entire document, click the link:

portrait encyclical Jewish text study for yom kippur daniel swartz

Catholic Climate Covenant

For some great Encyclical resources, click the link below:


Laudato Si’ animation for Young People


Watch our animation for young people on Pope Francis’ encyclical.

Pope Francis has written a letter addressed to every person on the planet, asking us all to protect the earth. Will you play your part to protect our common home?

Can’t see the film? Right click here and select ‘save link as’ to download to your desktop.

Inspired by Pope Francis’ encyclical? Sign our petition calling on David Cameron to show leadership on climate change.

Laudato Si’ animation for Children


Watch our animation for children on Pope Francis’ encyclical.
Pope Francis has written a letter addressed to every person on the planet, asking us all to protect the earth. Will you play your part to protect our common home?

Can’t see the film? Right click here to download to your desktop. 


Laudato Si, a reflection on caring for creation

A few months ago many of our Sisters, Associates, Missionaries, and Collaborators of the Congregation participated in various Community Conversations on Laudato Si, reflecting on our call to care for our common home.
Perhaps you weren’t able to participate in one of these conversations for a number of reasons. Maybe you didn’t know about the event, or already had a commitment, or perhaps you did attend and would like the materials that were presented in order to share with others.
Well here is your chance to participate in and share this workshop.
– English –  https://youtu.be/mC0yKIqpz8E
– Español –  https://youtu.be/PIURJNCzA8M
– English – http://bit.do/bTDss
–  Español –  http://bit.do/bTzQF
– English – http://bit.do/bTzQq
– Español – http://bit.do/bTzQN

We hope that you find these resources useful, meaningful, and that you share them with others. Blessings of joy and love in the Easter season