A Reflection for Advent 2023 with Laudate Deum

The Office of Peace, Justice and Ecological Integrity of the Sisters of Charity of Saint Elizabeth has put together a great resource for Christian communites and individuals (and others) to use during the coming Advent season. The Advent resource incorporates Pope Francis’ encyclical Laudate Deum, which follows up on the pontiff’s encyclical Laudato Si.   Here is the first entries to the calendar. Click on the link to see the full calendar.

A Pilgrimage of Reconciliation with the World that Is Our Home

Advent 2023 with Laudate Deum

Pray for COP28, the climate summit in Dubai, November 30th– December 12th. Pope Francis will attend!

“I ask everyone to accompany this pilgrimage of reconciliation with the world that is our home and to help make it more beautiful.” (LD, 69)

Dec 3 First Sunday of Advent Plan to read Laudate Deum this Advent in a contemplative spirit.
Dec 4 Have you taken the Laudate Deum Action Pledge? A great practice for Advent.
Dec 5 “What would it mean to rediscover the biblical sense of the natural world groaning, hoping, waiting for liberation?” Elizabeth Johnson, CSJ

Here is the full calendar