Welcome St. Chad’s Episcopal of Albuquerque

Welcome St. Chad’s Episcopal, Albuquerque as our latest new congregational member. Thank you to those faith communities who are responding to our membership update and donation invitation.

St. Mark – the National IPL Cool Congregations certificate program for the cool congregations awards

St. Mark’s on the Mesa, Episcopal Church,  Albuquerque

After a 3 year process that included energy efficiency upgrades which took advantage of the NM IPL no interest loan fund, St. Mark’s Episcopal Church blessed their solar unit in November 2015 and began watching their meter as it generated energy from the sun in December.

St Mark solar groupTheir project is unique, in that they created a parish LLC and also offered some parishioner labor in creating their solar array that celebrates God’s creation and energy from the sun. Caring for creation and being a witness as the first Episcopal congregation in New Mexico to install solar were important factors in their decision. It took a lot of work, but they are so excited that they will gladly meet with any faith community to walk them through the steps. Contact anyone on their solar team: Andrew Clark  mr.andrew.clark@gmail.com; Ken Reese  reesekennethw@gmail.com,  Nick Porter  porternick@gmail.com  or Fr. Christopher McLaren  christopher@stmakrsabq.org.  Learn more at their website   http://stmarksabq.thithub.io/newenergy/


The Norbertine Community in Albuquerque celebrated their new solar field

norbertine solar blessing 1
norbertine solar blessing 2 (1)The Norbertine Community in Albuquerque celebrated their new solar field, named Pope Francis Solar Field, with a special prayer and blessing in July 2015. The community has previously done energy efficiency work and with the new buildings that are a few years old they incorporated energy efficiency, water saving and xeriscaping. Their work assists their community to have a smaller carbon footprint and is a model for the many educational programs they have and for all who come to utilize their wonderful library and to pray or make retreat days.

For more information see below:
