Celebrate the Summer of Certification with the National IPL

If your congregation has taken steps to reduce your energy use and carbon emissions, apply to be a Certified Cool Congregation. Emissions reductions of 10% or more qualify.

Apply to be certified today!

If you’ve already been certified, and have made further energy saving changes to your facility, come back for a higher level.

Get certified here!

Achieving a national certification as a Cool Congregation demonstrates your leadership in your community by showing that it is possible to reduce emissions, care for our common home, and often save money in the process. It’s a way to re-energize your green team, and persuade your congregation to go even further in reducing their carbon footprint.

By getting certified, your congregation is building the movement of people of faith and conscience showing the world that we can take concrete and achievable steps to safeguard the climate for future generations.

People’s Church of Kalamazoo, Michigan is one of the latest congregations to be certified.

“It started in my first meeting with the Green Sanctuary Committee,” member Tom Hackley says. “‘I said, ‘Why don’t we pick something big like net zero by 2030?’ Thinking that everybody would say, ‘No we can’t do that,’ but everybody said, ‘Great, run with it!’”

People’s Church has reduced their emissions by 20% towards their goal of net zero with a detailed plan on how to finance and achieve net zero by 2030. Read their story here.