Fall Gathering: Closing Blessing

As we go forth into this threshold time of seasons changing and looking ahead to the turning of the year, we offer to you a closing blessing from Clara Sims,  IPL NM/EP assistant executive director.

Photo by Caryl McHarney, Sprout award recipient

Great and moving mystery who gathers us together –

Bless us as we go to be people whose commitment to renewal shines as radiant as the sun.

Bless us to be people who listen to the teachers who are singing, speaking, shouting from each corner of this vast creation –

Bless us to be people who listen to Stars, to Swallowtails, to Dandelions growing through the cracks of concrete sidewalks, defying their own displacement – daring us to defy our own destruction.

Bless us to people who turn toward one another and our wounds with questions of courage and conviction and commitment to the kaleidoscope of wisdom, beauty and truth that grace the great diversity of cultures and traditions which are rising from the Earth.

Bless us to be people who know that the strength of Spirit is always moving in us – mysteriously, magnificently, mischievously – multiplying our efforts, our prayers, our longings, our dreams for tomorrows undivided.

Bless us most especially to be people who are healers – people building with our words and our hands a world that is known by no other name than sacred.

Bless it be.