Oppose Bailouts for Fossil Fuel Polluters

PLEASE TAKE ACTION #PeopleNotPollutors  #NoBigOilBailout

We have joined with other concerned organizations to promote action to stop the pollutor bailout.

While all of us have been working to flatten the curve and support those on the frontlines of the coronavirus crisis, the fossil fuel industry has been working feverishly to profit off the pandemic.

They’ve lobbied the EPA to drop all pollution controls. Pushed forward pipelines like Keystone XL. Tried to get out of providing healthcare for sick workers.

Now, fossil fuel companies are lobbying to get a huge chunk of the bailout funds that are meant to go to small businesses across the United States. Send a message to your Member of Congress today demanding that they oppose all efforts to bail out the fossil fuel industry. This is a critical moment for us to push back on this Big Oil Bailout.

Industry friendly politicians are already lobbying Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin to open up the $500 billion Trump Slush Fund to coal, oil and gas companies. They’re also trying to pass a bill that would use $3 billion that could go to COVID-19 relief to purchase oil for the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, even though we’re already facing an oversupply.

These politicians aren’t trying to help workers in the fossil fuel industry. If they were, they’d be supporting universal healthcare, direct relief to working families, and job retraining programs. No, this is all about lining the pockets of their wealthy corporate donors.

Ask your Representative to sign onto letters and pieces of legislation opposing the Big Oil Bailout. Tell them to focus any future legislation on stopping the coronavirus pandemic, helping ordinary people and protecting our environment — not on bailing out Big Oil.

With over 16 million people out of work, now isn’t the time to be giving handouts to fossil fuel billionaires. If we can generate a large enough public outcry, it will ensure that big polluters aren’t allowed to profit off this pandemic. 

Together, we can ensure that we have a just and sustainable recovery to COVID-19. A recovery that helps strengthen our communities and protects our climate. A recovery that works for people, not polluters. TAKE ACTION

If you can, Tweet a message to our NM members of Congress telling them to prioritize communities most impacted, NOT BIG OIL executives.
Sen Martin Heinrich @MartinHeinrich
Sen Tom Udall @SenatorTomUdall
Rep Debra Haaland @RepDebHaaland
Rep Xochitl Torres Small @RepTorresSmall
Rep Ben Ray Luján @repbenraylujan
Twitter handles for all members of Congress:

Suggested Tweets:

Don’t let the #coronavirus bailout turn into a handout for Big Oil. Money needs to go directly to workers, not the CEOs. #PeopleNotPollutors #NoBigOilBailout

Bailout people, not pollutors! Prioritize communities most impacted, not Big Oil executives. #PeopleNotPollutors #NoBigOilBailout