Video: Centering Equity in Water Planning

An informative, interactive discussion regarding water resilience planning to show how we should equitably share water supplies in our hotter and drier future. IPL New Mexico & El Paso was a co-sponsor of this event organized by The Middle Rio Grande Water Advocates

The Middle Rio Grande Water Advocates and other nongovernmental and community organizations believe centering equity in water planning is crucial for New Mexico’s public health and a balanced and secure future. What does centering equity mean in the context of sharing reduced water supplies, across New Mexico and in the Middle Rio Grande? How should regional water scarcity and resilience planning advance public health, and justice, equity, accessibility, diversity, and inclusiveness. What should the New Mexico Interstate Stream Commission forthcoming water planning rules and guidelines say about inclusion of public voices? About equitable access to water to meet human needs and community values?

Panelists include Paula Garcia, Interstate Stream Commissioner and Executive Director of the New Mexico Acequia Association; Jorge Garcia, Executive Director, Center for Social Sustainable Systems. and Marcia Fernandez, a retired teacher who lives on a small South Valley farm, and is a board member of the MRGWA, CESOSS, and South Valley Coalition of Neighborhood Associations.